To measure the volume of sound, a unit of measurement known as decibels (dB) is used. Decibel is one tenth of a bel (B), or the unit of measurement designed by engineers at Bell Telephone Laboratory to quantify the level of sound reduction when a tone is transmitted over a mile (1.6 km) cable standard telephone. Since the fair proved to be too large for the noise measurements the most common use of the smallest of the decibel has become more popular.
The decibel is used in a wide variety of scientific measurements related to acoustics and electronics. This unit of measurement gives a physical value - usually the noise or the intensity of light - in which a doubling of the actual intensity of the causes of the perceived intensity always increases in approximately the same amount. Specifically, an increase of 3 dB is approximately equal to approximately twice the sound. This is important to understand because if you look at the dB values in the following tables and text, you will see a relatively small increase of 10 dB digital sound of rain and a sewing machine for the accounts of the noise level significantly higher. It also shows that the noise of 110 dB of a child crying alone several times less intense than that of thunder or a rock concert.
Audio Reference
0 rustling leaves
20 clocks ticking
30 silent
Refrigerator humming 40
50 Rain
60 sewing machine, a typical level of conversation speech
70 Washer
80 Alarm (two feet)
85 average traffic
90 gas mower
95 MRI tests
100 Tractor, hair dryer, metro
105 electric lawn mower, chainsaw
110 children crying
120 ambulance Rock Concert,, thunder
130 jackhammer, the level of jet engines (100 meters)
Fireworks 140
165 12 caliber rifle
Noise at work
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), a branch of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that the wound can develop in the workers' hearing when exposed to 85 dB or more than eight hours. Therefore, the exposure limit of 85 dB for an eight-hour day has become a standard in the mining, construction, oil and gas drilling, and agriculture, and the U.S. Air Force and Army. Hearing loss caused by loud noise or prolonged PAIB is called, or noise-induced hearing loss.
Damage to cell cilia
Sounds below 80 dB may involve hearing loss, even after repeated or prolonged exposure. It is not possible to predict how an individual will react to loud noises, because each person has a different hearing sensitivity. However, exposure to loud noise or simple exposure to continuous noise can cause temporary hearing loss. This temporary loss is known as temporary threshold shift, and usually resolves within 16-48 hours after exposure.
Hearing loss can be permanent if the offending noise is loud enough to damage or destroy the delicate inner ear cells, called cilia or stereocilia, which are found in the cochlea of the inner ear. These cells respond to mechanical sound vibrations tabs by sending an electrical signal to the auditory nerve. The mechanism of injury is purely physical eyelashes, results from excessive vibration in microscopic tears or broken tabs. There are many cilia situated in the cochlea of the ear that are damaged again, the deepest of deafness. Once the cells are chemically or physically damaged or destroyed tabs, do not regenerate or repair themselves.
Protect your hearing
Recommendation Common Sense to avoid the loss of hearing due to noise is too strong to use ear protectors, or remove themselves from the sound source.
Use earplugs, earmuffs or other protection when exposed to sounds above 85 dB. Since there can always be sure that the sound puts you at risk, the use of this basic rule: If you talk to someone three away from you and you can not clearly hear what is said, the noise around you could damage your hearing.
It is clearly and simply walk away, when the sounds are too loud or decrease the volume of the sound source, if possible. You can also limit the intensity of sound by not standing directly near the source. The time spent in a noisy environment is important for the health of your audience, to limit the time you expose your ears to loud noises. Cover ears with hands or cross the street when you hear someone operating a leaf blower or when near a jackhammer.
Tinnitus Treatment Institute
Since hearing loss hearing loss induced by noise or may lead to damage of the ciliary cells of the cochlea tinnitus, ringing in the treatment institute has a strong interest in preventing injuries from exposure to noise. Prevention is always preferable to treatment. For more information on tinnitus and hearing loss, visit the Institute of treatment for tinnitus.
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